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Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple
source : google
Hello, my name is Irene and I'm going to tell you about my favourite place. my favourite place is Prambanan Temple in Sleman, Yogyakarta. I like Prambanan because i think the temple is amazing! when i went there, i just thought "how long it takes to make all of this temple?!". beside the architecture, i i like the legend/history from this temple. let's talk about that!

The legend of Prambanan Temple is the story of Roro Jonggrang. Roro jonggrang is a princess or the daughter of King Baka. king Baka choose Bandung Bandawasa to be a war captain. but, King Baka was killed by Bandawasa weapon. but they won the war and Bandawasa was appointed to be person in charge in that kingdom. but, Bandawasa was in loved with Roro Jonggrang and want Jonggrang to be his wife. But, Roro Jonggrang didn't want it so she made a unreasonable condition. she told Bandawasa to made 1000 temple for her in a night. and Bandawasa accept it. but, Roro Jonggrang just cheated. she made the morning early so Bandawasa didn't clear his job. he just made 999 temples. at the end, Bandawasa knew that he was lied to Roro Jonggrang. so, Bandawasa just turned Roro jonggrang into a statue. And until now, the statue is still available in Prambanan.

Roro Jonggrang statue
Source : google

In Prambanan Temple you can do so many things. you can see the temple (of course), eating, feeding  deer. riding a horse, buying souvenir, enjoying the sunset, watch a drama/cabaret or taking picture. The cabaret show is amazing! you must watch that show. and the sunset it's so beautiful. you can watch the sunset and the temple at the same time! that will be a nice experience.

tradisional dance 
source : google

the sunset at prambanan
source : google

I think that's enough. thank you for your time and see you!


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