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All about me

Hello, my name is Irene Yuli Patricia Tambunan. You can call me Iren, airin or whatever you want. I was born in Palembang, 25 July 2004. I study at 3 Senior High School in Bandung, West Java. Now, i'm a 10 grader student at my school. I am one of the 35 member of 10 social 1. I lived in rakata street bandung. My home is near from my school. So, i can walk every morning to study at school.

i want to tell you something about myself, especially my hobby. Since i was 7 years old, i like to sing. and my primary school teacher called me because she heard me sing everytime. When she called me, she told me to sing a song. when i'm sing a song, she told me "bravo! your very talented". after that my teacher always bring me to a singing competition and i'm win!! how lucky i am:) until now, i always go to singing competition because singing is my life. thats why i love singing so much and i hope i can make achievement more and more.

my hobby is not only one. I have so many hobby, especially sports. I like swimming and badminton. I like to play badminton in my free time. Sometimes I play with my dad or my friend. My badminton idol is Kevin Sanjaya because he play badminton so nice and always win(not always but often). That's why i like him

I like study but not much. If you ask me why I like to study because sometimes study can be a fun activity if you like the subject hehehe. Example i didn't like to study science because i hate that subject but i like to study economy, english, music, social etc because i love the subject and i'm so curious about that. And beside that i think study is important because if we have huge knowledge it can help us in the future.

I'm an active person. I can't just sit and keep silent. I must do something or talk with each other. If i'm not doing anything i feels like that's not me. Because of that i must have a friend. I hate when i didn't have friends. Because if we didn't have friend we can't share our problem, can't act like a crazy person hehehe. Because of that, i think friend its so important in my life. I think i must search for a friend when i'm in a new circle or area to make me as myself.

Ooo yaa i just forget to tell you i like playing music too! I like play piano, guitar, bass, ukulele and drum. I play it at home but sometimes i play it at the church, school because my friend or teacher wanted me to play there. I like all type of music but mostly i like rock music. I didn't know why i love rock music so much while some people think rock music is annoying. I think rock music is a type of music that has a freedom and power inside. My favourite rock idol is queen and bon jovi. I like Freddie Mercury sooo muchhhh. I love his voice and his genius brain when he made a song.

I think that's enough. Thank you for your time and i want to say sorry if i say something weird and you didn't like that.

Love you!  -iren


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